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Conferences, Presentations, Seminars and Symposia


“Civilizational Comebacks? Ortega y Gasset and Arnold J. Toynbee,” The 2021 Annual Telos -Paul Piccone Institute Conference “Civilizational States and Liberal Empire—Bound to Collide? (18-19 Sept. 2021, New York City).


“Sobre los Reajustes de América en la Historia Global y los Desajustes de América Latina en la Anglozona” (Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas – UNAM, México, 3er Encuentro Taller: Descolonialidad del Poder en Homenaje a Aníbal Quijano, Encuentros y Diálogos Descoloniales en Diversidad de Tiempos y de Espacios, 24-27 Agosto 2021).


“Translating Ruben Darío ‘s Modernist Poetry in the Contemporary English Scene,”  CfP: Übersetzungsszenen/ Scenes of Translation/ Scènes de la Traduction (Workshop, University of London, 2 July 2021).


“On Ortega y Gasset’s Revolt of the Masses,” Shifting Constellations: Germany and Global (Dis-)Order, IGES – Institute for German and European Studies, University of Birmingham, 30 June- 2 July 2021.


“Reading Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Carta Atenagórica (1690) in the Early Modern

and Colonial Baroque Horizon: Pleasures and Challenges,” Women and Agency: Transnational Perspectives c. 1450-1790, Virtual Symposium, University of Oxford (24-25 June 2021).


“On G John Ikenbery’s Liberal Internationalism,” Decoloniality and Desintegration of Western Cognitive Empire—Rethinking Sovereingty and Territoriality in the 21st Century, The New Polis, (14-15 April 2021). Digital Participation.

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